about me

Several years ago, the discomfort and anxiety I often experienced magnified immensely. Simultaneously, our son was diagnosed with Autism. My healing journey began with pain, grief and confusion.

This time, this journey felt incredibly different. All the go-to supports I was using no longer felt sufficient for these new sets of lessons. What I was craving most was to move through life with a sense of peace, happiness, fulfillment and joy no matter the circumstances.

I began researching how to help our son recover physically. I learned a lot about nutrition, along with the use of supplements, homeopathy, essential oils. I was introduced to a world of possibility. As a result, I experienced my own physical healing from hypothyroid.

I also began a daily spiritual practice as a student of A Course In Miracles. I then learned an energy healing method called Innerwise, and continue to grow in my intuitive and psychic abilities. With this, I began to experience my own spiritual healing and development.

At times, this experience has felt like a scavenger hunt in the dark. But the light continues to grow, showing me the depth of love within me. Within you. Within us all. As I continue to learn each day, I become more of me. I hope we can learn and become together.

Love and Blessings, Vania